Muffin Break bean ballot is back

Muffin Break bean ballot is back

24 November 2015, 2:10PM
Pead PR

The bean poll is back. Bakery café Muffin Break is reviving the popular people’s survey, this time asking coffee fans which of the flags they want to go head-to-head with our existing ensign.
Muffin Break’s bean poll has enjoyed considerable success according to the company, predicting the trends of every New Zealand election since its introduction more than 10 years ago.
The ‘Flag Poll’ is open to every customer who has bought a coffee at Muffin Break between now and 11 December. Patrons get a single bean with their coffees which they drop in to a store ‘ballot box’ according to their preferred flag.
True to the rules of the official flag referendum, voters will be able to choose only from the five new flag designs, not the existing New Zealand flag. And it is likely that Muffin Break will kick off a Flag Poll for the head-to-head referendum in March 2016 also.

Photo courtesy of Pead PR

The bean poll will be installed in all of the 43 stores nationwide, and Muffin Break will be sharing progress on their Facebook page from November 27.
NOTE: The official New Zealand postal flag referendum is in two voting phases. In the first between 20 November and 11 December 2015 will decide that, if the New Zealand flag changes, which flag of five designs would Kiwi voters prefer. Then, in March 2016, there is another referendum to choose between the most preferred option from the first referendum and the current flag. The flag that receives the most votes in the second referendum becomes the official flag of New Zealand.
