It's Men's Health Week!

It's Men's Health Week!

9 June 2015, 2:35PM

Men’s Health Week is underway again to encourage New Zealand men to proactively take charge and improve their health and wellbeing.

During this awareness week, New Zealand men will be encouraged to complete an online survey at to find out their Men’s Health Score, and then to challenge their mates to do the same and compete for the best score.
  • Every three hours a Kiwi bloke dies from a potentially preventable illness. If you are Maori, that rate doubles.
  • Proaction beats reaction every time. Preventative action can reduce the danger of major health risks including stroke and cardiovascular problems.
  • One in eight men experience serious depression at some time in their lives. It’s real and it’s important and not something we can deal with on our own. Talk to a health professional you trust.
  • Testicular cancer kills more 18-39 year old New Zealand men than any other disease…. but if it is diagnosed early, it has the highest rate of cure of all cancers. About 150 young men are diagnosed with testicular cancer every year in New Zealand;
  • Healthy eating is key to good health. Eat better to feel better.

Throughout June, men can visit their local Life or Unichem pharmacy to get a free Men’s Health Pit Stop Check. Just like a car needs regular servicing, our bodies need an annual warrant of fitness, and men can talk to their local pharmacist about which screening tools are appropriate and have their blood pressure taken.

Men’s Health Week is proudly supported by Registered Master Builders, Pit Stop, Nature’s Own, M2 magazine, Life and Unichem pharmacies. Thanks to health partners Testicular Cancer NZ, The Journal and Men’s Health Trust.
