Team Gallagher Ready to Row

16 November 2011, 10:14AM

After months of preparation, Team Gallagher aim to embark within a seven to 10 days on a Trans-Tasman rowing adventure.

Using the Sydney and Auckland harbour bridges as the start and finish lines, the 1,400 nautical mile (2,500km) journey will see the four-man team not only become the first New Zealand team to row the Tasman from west to east, but to cross the Tasman by oar power alone.

Nigel Cherrie (35), team leader, says: “We are all filled with nervous anticipation about what lies ahead but we know it is going to be a great and challenging adventure in many ways. I will always remember the words of my Yoga instructor, Vince, "It’s not what the body can do, it's what the mind can take". I'll be telling that to myself 22 times a minute from around day three!”

Accompanying Cherrie in the 10.5m boat, named the Moana, will be James Blake (25) of Dunedin, Wellingtonian Martin Berka (36), and Hamilton rower Andrew McCowan (26).

Team director Rob Hamill, says: “Depending on the weather patterns, the row could take anywhere from three weeks to three months.”

The team aim to reach Auckland within 31 days, which would better the previous fastest trans-Tasman rowing record set in late 2007 by Australian team Base3 on a slightly shorter Hokianga to Sydney route.

For maximum speed, three crew members can be on deck rowing at a time while one rests for two hours before changing shift.

Fuelling this monumental effort requires 8,000 Calories a day each and the boat has to be well packed to store enough food for the unsupported trip.

The campaign was conceived by Cherrie and Hamill and will raise awareness and generate funding to build an artificial reef off the northern coast of Borneo, just east of Semporna. It is also hoped that the adventure will develop into an annual event similar to the Trans Atlantic Rowing Race in the years to come.

To follow the team's progress visit their website or Facebook page
