12 weeks to an Ultra Marathon - By Only Running 20km Per Week

12 weeks to an Ultra Marathon - By Only Running 20km Per Week

27 January 2012, 12:19PM

12 weeks to an Ultra Marathon- BY ONLY RUNNING 20KM Per week, thats right. This training manual willl take you from meat sack to machine, because when you know better you do better.

The book is devoted to teaching the training components of strength to develop the robustness of your natural suspension system - feet, ankles and knees. Midline stability enhanceing your  core  body strength and stability, and metabolic conditioning (metcon) which will upgrade your cardiovascular engine from family saloon to a high performance sports car.

Expect to exceed your previously conceived expectations of running, for the traditional long distance runner minimize your training time by 2/3rds, for beginners a rapid development of athleticism without destroying all your spare time.I am here providing the tools required to express the human body in such a way that we can enjoy the freedoms of running, maximizing your results, minimizing your training time, whilst maintaining your lifestyle convenience.

12 Weeks to an Ultra Marathon  can be purchased and viewed at www.kiwiconditioning.com
