GirlGuiding NZ Aims to Break the World Record for the Longest Bra Chain

13 February 2012, 11:39AM

The world record for the longest bra chain is being challenged this month by Dargaville Guides of GirlGuiding New Zealand (NZ).

Bras have been collected in all shapes and sizes over the past two years to reach a total of 170,000 bras that will be linked together to form a chain. The current Guinness World Record of 166,000 bras is held by Australia.

The campaign for the longest bra chain began as part of GirlGuiding New Zealand’s Pink Star Challenge to raise awareness about the detection and prevention of breast cancer.

“As the largest female-only organisation in New Zealand, the importance of raising this awareness is huge – not just for our membership but to the wider community. The girls had a great time completing the Pink Star Challenge – and now the world record attempt helps to again remind us about breast cancer,” said Sonia Faulkner, National President of GirlGuiding NZ.

Originally launched on Mother’s Day in 2010, Dargaville Guide leader Robyn Martinovich decided to start to create the longest bra chain when she read about the Australian record in her daughter’s Guinness Book of World Records.

As part of GirlGuiding NZ’s Pink Star challenge, there was an obvious link between breast cancer and bras. Now nearly two years later Dargaville Guides and other Guiding members will be linking together all 170,000 bras for the official world record attempt on Saturday18 February 2012 in Dargaville.

Northland MP Mike Sabin and Dargaville Mayor Neil Tiller will attend the event to help verify the record, along with GirlGuiding NZ representatives Sonia Faulkner, National President and National and World Board member, Fiona Harnett.

The 170,000 bras were collected from throughout New Zealand – and overseas – and have been stored in sheds on Robyn’s rural property. Clothing store Postie came on board to support the campaign by collecting bras at its stores nationwide and Bendon Outlet stores also donated bras.

Once the Bra Chain world record attempt has been achieved, all the highest quality bras will be sent to women in Africa, Haiti, the Pacific Islands or other countries.

“In Guiding, girls are involved in community action projects and advocating for others. This is a great opportunity for them to give back to women and girls overseas,” said Sonia Faulkner.

