The ADHD Handbook

The ADHD Handbook

9 July 2014, 12:55PM
Exisle Publishing

ADHD cover

Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) is found in 2-5% of children in New Zealand. Although up to three times as many boys are diagnosed with ADHD as girls, it is now suspected the incidence is more like 1:1.

Myths that ADHD is caused by sugar or bad parenting, and shrill headlines claiming that the disorder is simply a confection cooked up by big pharma or pedal drugs to kids all adds to the confusion.

Author and psychologist, Stuart Passmore, says that parents need to understand that ADHD is real it’s a neurological disorder and it can be treated.

In his new book The ADHD Handbook, he sets out to help families who are struggling with ADHD in a no-nonsense way.  The book is filled with great tools to help families find out what is going on with their children and discover how they can help them.

With the most up-to-date research from all over the world, this book presents a comprehensive look at ADHD, covering from the causes of ADHD and diagnosing it to medicating and alternative therapies.

The book has a chapter on ADHD sufferers’ experiences, from their point of view as well as facts and myths of ADHD in adults.

Written in a calm, direct and non-judgmental language this is a must have for any family juggling the maze of ADHD treatments and lost in the jungle of contradictory and confusing messages.

About the author:

Stuart Passmore is a private practice psychologist. He has developed evidenced-based Parent Management Training program for parents of children with behavioral disorders ranging from ADHD to Oppositional Defiance Disorder to Conduct disorder and children with explosive and non-compliant behaviours. Stuart also conducts professional development training workshops on Parent Management Training for behavioural and anxiety disorders.

Review copies are available from the middle of April. Alternatively we can send you an eBook version of the book prior to the review copies being available.
