Cheapflights names the best airlines for families

Cheapflights names the best airlines for families

8 August 2015, 6:00AM

Travelling with young children can be tough but there are some airlines going to extra lengths to maintain happy families on long international flights.

Travel search comparison website has compared the family-friendly services of ten international budget and legacy carriers.

Cheapflights travel expert Susan Sullivan says Qantas and Virgin Australia performed well in the comparison but top-points for family-flying goes to Thai, Emirates, Singapore Airlines and Cathay Pacific.  Tiger Air recorded the lowest score in the comparison.

“The provision of special meals for kids and free stroller check-in is pretty standard across the board,” said Susan.

“Generally reduced ticket rates apply for children aged under two who are able to sit on the parent’s lap and sleep in a bassinet and these are usually around 10 percent of the adult fare.”

The list also adds a social media response category to show which airlines were proficient in addressing queries over Facebook. a travel search comparison services that searches thousands of flights offerings for airline and travel agents sites, worldwide.  It's completely free to use with no fees or charges and guests have the peace of mind knowing they are booking direct with the airline or travel agent.
