Armani Continues Its ACQUA FOR LIFE Program For The Sixth Year Running

Armani Continues Its ACQUA FOR LIFE Program For The Sixth Year Running

23 March 2016, 2:47PM
PR Newswire

For the 6th year running, Armani is repeating its commitment to the Acqua for Life development program with Green Cross International, a global initiative which, since 2011, has already given 108 communities in 8 countries and 3 continents access to drinking water, i.e. 880 million liters of water provided*.

Every year, since 2010, as part of Acqua for Life, Armani has educated public opinion on issues related to water, raising funds and acts in the field, in partnership with Green Cross International and UNICEF, by installing water points, latrines, rain water collection, water filtering and purification systems, in areas that lack water or drinking water, a natural element fundamental to life.
In 6 years, Acqua for Life has set up projects worldwide which have sustainably transformed daily life that had hitherto incurred mortality, disease and deprived children of an education owing to the lack of water or access to contaminated water for a large proportion of the community. The main victims of this situation are the most vulnerable: children as well as women.
ACQUA FOR LIFE: access to water but also educating communities for a lasting impact
Acqua for Life is a project that is not limited to the supply or rehabilitation of water points. It is a comprehensive program which also focuses on the significant improvement of public health conditions. To ensure the sustainability of the project, Green Cross International conducts awareness campaigns on local water issues and hygiene, especially in schools, so that children are aware from an early age of simple actions such as washing hands with soap to prevent the spread of germs. In addition to water points, Green Cross International builds latrines and washbasins to provide hygiene means and protect the immediate environment. Finally, the sustainability of the project also involves training adults in the proper use and maintenance of infrastructure.
Armani thus contributes to the social and economic rebirth of communities in 8 countries - Côte d'Ivoire, Ghana, Senegal, China, Argentina, Bolivia, Mexico and Sri Lanka through the action of Green Cross International.
With Acqua for Life, families reclaim the right to drinking water and sanitation recognized by the United Nations in 2010. They have water to drink, prepare food every day, wash, water crops and for their livestock and children can attend school more regularly. Women have more time to focus on their children, dedicate time to their literacy and be productive for their community instead of having to fetch water.
