You Don’t Need Expensive Equipment to Stay in Shape

You Don’t Need Expensive Equipment to Stay in Shape

7 November 2011, 10:27AM

How often have you thought you would like to get along to the gym, but figured you needed to be fitter first? You’re not alone! Many of us fall into the trap of thinking we need to be up to a certain standard of fitness to work out in public. With Specforce this isn’t an issue… This new training system encourages people to work with their own body weight as resistance so you’re always working within your own fitness level no matter what that is.

Designed around the belief that you don’t need lots of machines and equipment to become fitter and stronger, at Specforce Fitness they focus on unique circuit training which not only increases your fitness rapidly but also makes you more functional for daily life. 

Developed from training systems they led with the New Zealand Military, the Specforce trainers have over 30,000 classes of experience between them and have worked with some of the country’s top sports people and Elite soldiers.

Don’t be deterred by the name though, 70% of their regular clientele are women and the system is designed to push you to your potential at the same time implementing mental and self- discipline, while building self-confidence and increasing your overall wellbeing and functionality.

It’s not about exercising to just be fitter and stronger…
It’s about getting functional to enhance your daily life.

The revolutionary Specforce concept is available to the public for the first time, with the newly opened gym at 9 Karaka St, Eden Terrace, Auckland. Come along to check out the huge premises and you can trial your first session for free. There’s even a Force Women’s class, exclusively for the ladies.

For those who want to try some exercises at home, the Specforce experts recommend the following:

• The most important part of the body to strengthen is your core, as all power, speed and functionality starts here.
• For lower body strength try full squats, lunges and running. These will get the best results, exceeding some of the expensive gym machines in terms of improving function.
• For your upper body, the best thing is good old-fashioned press ups, washing basket bent over rows and above the head vacuum cleaner presses. These are all functional exercises that can be done nearly anywhere as we don’t walk around all day with an exercise machine in our handbag.

Article contributed by the expert trainers at Specforce Fitness.
