Shotover Canyon Swing swings into action raising funds for Victim Support

Shotover Canyon Swing swings into action raising funds for Victim Support

19 May 2013, 10:04AM

Queenstown’s 109m high cliff jump adrenalin activity Shotover Canyon Swing has once again shown its dedication to the local community raising funds for the Wakatipu Victim Support network during April and May.

As part of the company’s commitment to supporting local charities it runs an annual fundraising initiative to raise monies for local causes, picked each year by the company’s own staff.

This year they raised $4,721.30 for the local Victim Support network which provides 24 hour emotional support and care for anyone who falls victim to an accident or incident in the area.

Every customer who experienced a Swing from 16 April to 13 May was offered the chance to ‘swing again’ in return for a $5 donation, waiving the usual $39 extra jump charge.

Shotover Canyon Swing General Manager Matt Hollyer said he and the team were “overwhelmed” by the support they had received from their guests.

“Once again we’ve managed to raise a substantial amount for a great local cause,” said Mr Hollyer.

“The work Victim Support does in the community is vital. As an international town there are many visitors and locals here without their immediate family and support network.

“WVS offers a crucial service in times of need and is invaluable to the people they help.

“Every year we’re stoked with the generosity of our jumpers and their desire to help a good cause.”

Wakatipu Victim Support volunteer Faye Robertson accepted the cheque on behalf of the network and said the donation would be a “huge help” to the not-for-profit organization.

“This is absolutely brilliant. We can’t thank the team at Shotover Canyon Swing enough for their generosity and that of their ‘jumpers’,” said Ms Robertson.

“The funds are essential to our work in the district and will set us on a great path for the future to be able to assist people when the unforeseen happens.”

“We can now rest easy knowing we have funds available to support victims should they need it. The funds will go towards ensuring people have food, clothing, a roof over their head and access to medical services when they need it most.”

To celebrate the achievement local policeman Constable Dave Felstead ‘jumped for joy’ experiencing his very own Shotover Canyon Swing for the first time.

“I was happy watching from the platform, “said Ms Robertson.

To become a fan of Shotover Canyon Swing on Facebook visit

Picture caption:

1)    (L-R)Swinging policeman Constable Dave Felstead with Dean (Dutchy) Moore. On the Platform Faye Robertson, Wakatipu Victim Support, and jump masters Chris (Crispy) Johnson and Adrian (Drainy) Goddard
