Pocket The Best Pizza Deals with Domino’s New Offers App!

1 April 2014, 9:28AM

Constantly rummaging through each and every drawer in the house to find those vouchers you so carefully tucked away? Eliminate the hassle with the launch of Domino’s new Offers App – all the best deals, always in your pocket!

Making the most of what Domino’s has to offer has never been easier or faster thanks to the new Offers App, so no matter what you’re craving, you can be sure you’re getting the most delicious pizza deal there is!

Domino’s New Zealand General Manager, Scott Bush, says the new Offers App gives customers access to all of the best Domino’s deals in their pocket.

“With great national and local offers, the new App quickly and easily takes advantage of exclusive deals from customers’ local Domino’s store from any smartphone, anywhere, anytime. It really does allow our customers to access and take advantage of all of the best deals always in their pocket and at their fingertips,” says Bush.

“At Domino’s we understand the importance of being where our consumers are. Not only do we need to ensure our websites and services are optimised for mobile but also that our Apps are sophisticated, relevant and making our customer’s lives easier.”  

This commitment is evident with the pizza company launching not just one but two sophisticated Apps this month – each making the pizza experience more interactive, easier and faster.

“Embracing this kind of technology and digital innovation allows our customers to really have control over their order – it also sees the process become a lot more interactive and enjoyable for the user,” he says.

It is digital developments such as these that will see the pizza delivery company grow from 60 per cent of sales online to 80 per cent in the next two to three years.

“We are excited to continue to expand our digital platform offering to facilitate expected sales growth in this area and we look forward to sharing what’s next,” says Bush.

“It’s important we continue to give our customers what they want in this space and also provide them with things they hadn’t realised yet would make the pizza ordering process easier, faster and a lot more fun!”

For more information about Domino’s and the menu, please visit www.dominos.co.nz
