Say Goodbye To Hayfever This Summer

16 October 2009, 11:29AM

For many women, spring signals warmer weather, longer days and trips to the beach, but for some the season is fraught with uncomfortable hayfever symptoms.

Itchy watery eyes, sneezing, a runny or blocked nose, coughing, sore throat, headaches and tiredness are all signs of hayfever – a seasonal illness that can cause women to suffer, leaving them unable to enjoy the sunny outdoors.

Most commonly experienced during the months of November to February, hayfever normally develops when there are certain amounts of allergens in the air. Once this happens, a sufferer’s overprotective immune system reacts and goes into a defense mode even though the everyday substances pose no threat to the body – resulting in many unpleasant side effects.

Some of the most common allergens that affect people are pollen from trees and plants, house dust mites, animal fur, food and insect stings.

There are many ways to avoid some of the hayfever triggers and help ease some of the suffering. Making a note of pollen counts or following a pollen calendar can be useful for keeping track of when you may be more susceptible to irritation so you can plan ahead.

Staying inside before midday and on windy days can help keep symptoms at bay and wearing sunglasses will protect your eyes. It is also best to avoid freshly mown lawn where possible and to keep the windows of your home and car closed – air conditioners act as an effective filter.

Having a shower before bed will remove any irritants you may have picked up during the day and regularly washing your bedding is also advised.

However for many allergy sufferers, medication is the only option that gives complete relief but the accumulating cost can be tough on the pocket. The launch of products like new Zetop and Fexofast offer hope to women who need a more cost-effective solution which still have the same active ingredients as other branded over-the-counter hayfever medications. Available from all leading pharmacies, Zetop gives you safe and high-quality relief for just a third of the price of other brands on the market.

Zetop and Fexofast let you tackle hayfever head-on so there is no reason to be afraid of what spring might bring this year. With the money you save, you can splash out on a gorgeous new outfit so not only will you feel good but you will step out looking great too!
