Guinness World Record Spinners Ready for Action

22 October 2009, 9:43AM

They’re excited, they’re fit and they’re ready to take on the world.

Six Taupo women plan to be the first in the world to set a new Guinness World Record (GWR) by static cycling more than 600km in 24 hours – that’s more than five times around Lake Taupo. The event will be a highlight of Cyclemania, Taupo’s festival of cycling which begins on November 23. 

Led by Taupo’s Youthtown co-ordinator, Alana Main, also an RPM instructor, team members plan to static cycle at least 100km each to set the world record. The team is already training hard out at the Taupo Events Centre Fitness Suite.

“Everyone who’s on the team works with young people so we’re doing the event for the youth of Taupo and for the fitness challenge,” says Alana.

The 24 hour GWR challenge begins outside Whitcoulls on Horomatangi Strreet at 06.00am on Friday 27 November and Alana says they hope to get plenty of support from the public throughout the event.

“We hope to have lots of people join us throughouth the event, especially as they can have a go on the bikes which are on loan from the Taupo Event Centre Fitness Suite.”

Team members with Alana are Iggy Gloy, a teacher at Taupo-nui-a-Tia College, Larissa Simmen, a fitness instructor and co-ordinator of Les Mills at the TEC Fitness Suite, Danielle Montague, a therapeutic massage therapist and lifeguard at the AC Baths, Jane Saunders, a teacher at Tauhara College, and Marijke Neerincx who has worked with young people in New Zealand and in the Netherlands.

All funds raised during the world record attempt will help support local Youthtown programmes.

Cyclemania Event Manager Lianne Fraser says RPM (static or spin) cycling is a popular fitness regime and an excellent way to stay cycling fit

A full progamme of Cyclemania events is on the website, and events get underway on November 23.

Cyclemania was launched in 2008 and is a joint venture between Bike Taupo, Wattyl Lake Taupo Cycle Challenge, the Taupo District Council and Sport Waikato.
